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German shipping line company Hapag-Lloyd published a new Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) in 2023 that reflects several of the core RCP Principles, including shared responsibility (it describes it as “joining forces”) between buyers and suppliers for preventing adverse impacts and taking remedial action, and a commitment to responsible purchasing practices, including engaging in responsible exits. RCP Team members advised the company on its new SCoC and contracts.
As of 2022, Dutch clothing and textile retailer Zeeman abides by a Two Way Code of Conduct, which outlines Zeeman’s own responsibilities to uphold human rights alongside its suppliers, including commitments to make “purchasing decisions that ensure good working conditions,” timely payments, responsible exits, and to engage in open costing to ensure orders are not placed below production costs. Zeeman’s Code also includes a phased-in goal to pay living wages. These principles are very much in line with RCP's own core principles, and we applaud Zeeman for its approach.
As of 2023, RCP is working with Ahmad Tea, a major tea company headquartered in England, on revising its contract terms and purchase agreements to align with a shared-responsibility approach between buyers and suppliers in carrying out human rights due diligence (HRDD).
Buyers (e.g. brands and retailers)
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In September 2023, RCP launched the Supplier Model Contract Clauses 1.0 (SMCs), a set of model clauses designed to improve human rights outcomes and formalize fairer purchasing practices in the apparel and textiles industry. The SMCs were developed by RCP in collaboration with the German development agency, GIZ, and the Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative (STTI) and were made possible with the generous pro bono counsel of Linklaters.
As of late 2023, RCP is collaborating with the Ethical Denim Council (EDC), a nonprofit representing denim suppliers, to advise on formulating a few model contract clauses that outline expectations for responsible business conduct between denim buyers and suppliers, in particular as concerns responsible purchasing practices, such as responsible exit and not making significant post-production changes to commercial terms.